The TFSL redressal mechanism has been specifically developed in order to quickly and efficiently solve client grievances on priority. Aptly named SAHAYTA, TFSL’s dedicated toll free number 1800 103 9400 instantly connects clients to a dedicated customer care team, which compiles, addresses and escalates client calls on a daily basis for resolution.
The necessary steps to ensure successful client grievance redressal are as follows:
- The client or their representative reports their query or complaint to the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) and shares the following details:
- Name
- Village
- District
- State
- Branch to which client has been associated
- Member ID as written on the loan card
- Centre number as written on the loan card
- Name of the Community Service Officer (CSO) handling the centre
- Name of the centre leader
- Upon receipt, the GRO registers the complaint and speaks to all the relevant stake holders involved (CSO, Branch Manager, Territory Manager and State Product Head) to validate the issue raised by the complainant. If the GRO finds the complaint to be genuine and in need of urgent redressal at the next immediate level, he/she mobilizes speedy support and ensures timely resolution of the complaint, with assistance from the BM, TM and State Product Head locally. Queries/complaints received are classified into the following categories.
- Credit Bureau related
- Insurance related
- Drop-out
- General Queries
- Late coming by Staff
- New loan/Next Cycle Loan
- Product Information
- Staff Related Issues
- Miscellaneous/ Others
- The grievance redressal team maintains an online call log/control sheet of all the calls received on the toll free number, detailing the nature of the query/complaint, the subsequent escalation and action taken to resolve the grievance. The log also shows the status of the case as Closed or Open.
Closed cases are those which have been successfully resolved by the grievance redressal team, either by sharing relevant information with the client or by immediate intervention of the regional operations team at the field, to the satisfaction of client. Open cases are those which are yet to be resolved and usually flagged up to the line department’s supervisor or COO by describing the nature of the complaint. - The GRO shares a summary of the duly updated control sheet with the top management every day, while the grievance redressal team compiles detailed monthly reports analysing the number, origin and type of calls/complaints.